
Going green

I wanted to cloth diaper Colton, but Scott poo-poo'ed the idea (pardon the pun) so I gave in. When I had the girls, again I wanted to cloth diaper. No support from Scott again, but phle on him. I really wanted to do it, but I never got around to doing it. Everything was so hectic when they were born. I know...pitiful excuse, but it's all I got. :) Anyway, when we found out that Keira had a yeast infection (geezum pete's....a yeast infection at 6 months??), I started kicking the idea around again. I looked into cloth diapers, all the types, advantages and disadvantages. I even looked into cloth diaper wipes and solution. Go me! LOL

Scott wasn't too keen on the idea. In fact, he told me that I could cloth diaper during the week, but he was using disposables on the weekends. Men! I decided it was just time to jump in. Who cares if they're 7 months old, right? I mean, we have at least another year and a half worth of diapers. And double it with twins. So, I went on etsy and found a great girl by the name of Nadia who custom made these cloth AIO diapers for me. I've been waiting so impatiently for them to arrive for a week. I was so excited when they showed up and I couldn't wait for the girls to wake up this morning so I could put them on. They are so stinkin' cute and I just adore them. I have already been initiated, btw. This is take two. I let them eat first and wouldn't you know it, they both pooped before I could take pictures.

I bought 6 sets of diapers just to "test run" but I can already tell that we'll be buying more. Now, to just get Scott on board. Think if I hide the disposables, he'll be forced to use 'em? Surely he wouldn't load up three kiddos in the winter just to get disposable diapers, would he? LOL


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