
Ooh La La Hollie! { Dayton, Ohio Boudoir Photographer }

Ohhhhhh, a Mr. Someone is gonna be a happy, happy man when his anniversary gift is presented to him. I’ve already been told that it’s going to be given to him the first day of their trip, but I worry it might make it to his hands before they even leave. Hehee.

Little miss thang gave me an assignment and with the help of hair stylist, Nicole Coy, and make-up artist, Jen Lastnamehere, we got to work on one of the most enjoyable boudoir sessions. Don’t even let anyone tell you that you’d be uncomfortable or nervous. Cuz honey, it’s just not true here. We have FUN! Almost too much fun! LOL

Here is a preview of Miss Hollie. How interesting that her name is similar to hottie. Hmm. :)



And now the little man { Union, OH Child Photographer }

Last but not least, Colton. He’s at that age that he wants his picture taken just because he wants mommy’s attention. But he doesn’t REALLY want his picture taken so I end up with a bunch of cross-eyed, tongue sticking out, mouth skewed pictures. Very frustrating. The only thing I can count on is that inevitably he laughs at himself because he knows I’m getting frustrated and then I get that perfect smile. Stinkerbutt.


Oh, and one more of Carly. See how serious she is? My goodness, it’s kinda scary how much she’s like her father. I swear she does smile. A lot.


Baby girl #2 { Dayton, OH Child Photographer }

Time is getting away from me. I didn’t get to post a portrait of Carly or Colton yesterday so my goal today was to get at least one of them completed. So here’s Carly. She’s difficult to photograph because she has no interest in maintaining eye contact. Especially when the camera is in hand. Split second glances….that’s all I get. :)



Happy Birthday, Miss Lilly! { Dayton, OH Child Photographer }

I adore smash cake sessions. There is just something fun about the age, the ornery baby-toddler, the sneaky smiles, getting into EVERYTHING, and who can resist tearing into the cake? Umm, hello…I’ll have what she’s having, please. Today was little Miss Lilly’s birthday (how fun is that?!) and we had a great time playing with her hot pink and orange smash cake. She really tore into the icing. It looked like she had gloves on. Hehehee. She kept giving me this face of “Uh, eww…can you get this off my hands?” And don’t you just ADORE her piggy tails? Omigosh!

Here’s the preview! Enjoy! Happy Birthday, Miss Lilly!


First day of spring { Dayton, OH Child Photographer }

Yep, it was the first day of spring 2011 and we went outside! It was in the 70’s….so stinkin’ nice. True, it was a bit windy, but made for some interesting hair shots. Hehee. The kids loved it and it felt good to get out. Although we had some melt downs over toys we hadn’t seen in months, for the most part it was all good.  Here’s my baby Keira enjoying her day out. I’ll post more of the other kids tomorrow. I should be in bed….geesh! What’s wrong with me? Oh, I know….everyone’s sleeping and I can actually edit portraits in peace! Hehee.



Bridal Boudoir { Union, OH Boudoir Photographer }

Boudoir clients are usually hesitant of having their sexy pictures online. Understandable. I mean, come on…You have no idea what they’re going to look like and you’re in little to no clothing. It takes a lot of trust to blindly consent to online posting of your sexy pictures. So, it just tickles me to pieces when someone says “yes”! I think it makes me work harder to get them edited so I can show everyone! Hehee.

This little minx came to me all the way from Ft. Wayne, IN. You wanna talk about feeling honored? I’ve had quite a few from out of state this last month and I get all sappy, slap-happy that they travel all this way to see me!

I digress! This sexy thang is getting married in May. Her hubby-to-be will be receiving a rockin’ hot album of her sexiest pictures as his groom’s gift. All he is going to be able to say is “WOW!” : )

And I just have to do a shout out to my friend, Vilma, from GEM Photography is photographing her destination wedding. I know the pictures will be fantabulous!!

So, a small preview and a big thank you. You were fabulous!!



Twins: twice the work, twice the fun { Beavercreek, OH Child Photographer }

Any twin mother will tell you that twins are more than just twice the work. It’s probably closer to 10 times the work. I’ve often been told “I know what you’re going through, my kids are 15 months apart.”  Without being snide, let me tell you that having children close in age is not the same as having multiples. Even Irish Twins are not the same.

I won’t go into details of how your belly is stretched beyond capacity or how many diapers you really go through or how 3 hours of straight sleep is a vacation because sometimes there is NO sleep between feedings. How big your biceps get from carrying both babies all the time to avoid the “he’s your favorite child” accusations or how you learn to ‘divide and conquer’ BY YOURSELF when they become mobile or how for the rest of your life you will hear “Are they twins? Wow, you’ve got your hands full.”

Nope, don’t wanna bore you with those nitty gritty details. However, I will share with you how much of a joy it is to experience twindom. Your twins have a built-in playmate and best friend. What could be better than that? Yes, it is a lot of work and I wouldn’t change it for the world. It truly is 10 times if not 100 times the fun. There’s so much to celebrate when it comes to twins, but the best way is to show you. Can you imagine triplets, quads, or more? Wow, lots of love and fun!

Here is a session of my favorite twin boys.


My favorite outtake of the session. Believe it or not…he missed. No baby was harmed during the filming of this session. :)



Raise your hand if you love rolls! { Vandalia, OH Child Photographer }

And I’m not talking dinner rolls. I’m talking big ol’ chunky baby rolls. The Michelin Man in miniature form. StaPuff Marshmallow man’s offspring. Scrumptious, healthy baby biscuits!! Oh my goodness, this little morsel is the epitome of gorgeous 6 month old baby rolls with a simply beautiful drooly smile. I photographed Abby when she was born and let me tell you, I coulda picked her out of a baby line-up. She looks exactly the same…with the addition of the baby rolls and a bit more hair, of course. :) So, here ya go! I hope you enjoy the preview!
