What's the secret....?

A snapshot

Equality among siblings

I think every parent goes through the attempt of creating equality among siblings. I know it's just not going to happen. But as a mom of twins, I worry about equality a lot. I want friends and family to pay as much attention to Colton as they do Keira and Carly. I make sure everyone holds one girl and then the other. I don't want anyone to have a favorite. I want them all to be separate identities and loved just as much as the other. Then I wonder "Am I always going to have to buy two of something in order for my little girls to know that they are just as important as their sister? Or will they be ok with two different toys because then they'll have more?"

My main concern of equality lies in Carly. She is so laid back and likes to watch while her sister is more outgoing and tends to be the center of attention. Will she be on the sideline while her sister is in the spotlight? Will the things we do affect this? Or is this just the way she is? Keira smiles a lot, Carly is just attentive and it's rare to catch that beautiful smile and dimple. For this reason, I spent some time taking pictures of Carly today since Keira was the main focus yesterday and Colton the day before. I hope they never feel that I gave more of anything to the other. I hope they all know that I truly do love them equally.

It's in the eyes

But as I got closer to her, I realized....man, this kid's got great eyelashes. I mean, look at those. They look like centipedes on her eyelids! Most women would kill for lashes like that.

The things I do to have memories of my son

The birthday outing

I'm not a morning person

Sometimes you gotta resist the urge to be polite

The Anniversary

The next day, I called the orthorpedic back and demanded Colton be casted if it was in fact fractured. We went the following day and the orthopedic took one look at his leg, said it was horribly infected, and he needed to have an MRI right now. We rushed him to Children's Hospital where he was drugged and taken in for his MRI. Immediately following, he was prepped for surgery. His fever had spiked to over 105.8F and he wasn't responding to touch or sound. There was such a rush and I was so scared for him. They took him into surgery without letting me kiss him or hold him or tell him that I loved him. I was absolutely devastated and I stood there in the waiting room crying. I was sick to my stomach, but I prayed and prayed for my little boy. We had waited 14 years to have him and I was terrified that I was going to lose him.

Whatever trips your trigger

Musta been the boogeyman

Rub a dub dub, three babies in the tub...
Anyway, here's Carly in the tub.
She loves laughing at Colton.
Here's Colton. Notice that lovely lip? He split it open today on my knee. He didn't even cry. What a brute.
Here's Keira. She's fascinated by water dripping off the washcloth.
Keira chillin' while Colton plays with his ambulance.

The best toy ever

It's all about the flowers

So here's my new chair

Activities with toddlers

Colton's other obsession

On the inside looking out...

Cars, cars, cars, cars

Snow covered cherries...err, crabapples

Dreaming of Spring