Never wake a sleeping baby
Well, I never followed that rule. I did Babywise (a modified version) with all of my kids. They all took three great naps during the day and starting sleeping through the night (up to 12 hours) pretty early. I never had a problem, a big one, anyway. Until this past Christmas. I don't know what happened but Colton now refuses to nap at a scheduled time and refuses to go to bed at night alone. If we were able to get him asleep in his room, he always woke up screaming in the middle of the night. Nothing like a piercing scream to jolt you from a dead sleep. It makes for very long days and exhausting nights. So, needless to say, the new rule in my house is "Never wake a sleeping TODDLER". Just leave him wherever he drops.

Fingers and Toes
Anyone need a bouncy seat?

Because apparently, my daughter is done with hers. Carly just hates to sit in her bouncy seat for any reason. It takes just a few minutes and a couple squiggles to get her butt out of the seat and almost onto the floor. I guess it'll be just one less thing cluttering up my house. I love how Keira's just sitting there like "I don't know what her problem is, I'm pretty comfy sittin' here, Mom."
Meet Miss Kaitlyn
Introducing Miss Kaitlyn Heagerty. She is the aftermath of my first maternity shoot a couple weeks ago. I got to see her for a few minutes before work today. She's so tiny, so pretty, and smells so darn good. It makes your uterus twitch, at least it does mine. I'm hoping Lorie will be able to come over some time this week so I can practice some newborn shots. Isn't she gorgeous? It makes me almost ready for #4.

How did that happen?
Don't ask me how because I don't know, but I managed to capture both Colton and Keira looking directly at me. Carly was still napping so she's not in the picture.
Shortly after capturing my two oldest kids playing so well together, I find Colton with his legs wrapped around Keira's neck. She's got the most pitiful "Mommy, help me" look on her face. Great mom that I am, I grab the camera instead of her. LOL One day, she'll be big enough to whomp on him and we're gonna let her. Payback's a bitch.

Roly-poly babies and the tug-o-war
While trying to get a picture of both of my girls, I gave them my white balance cap to occupy them. It became an instant tug-o-war. Both girls wanted to chew on the cap. First, Carly had it. Then Keira proceeded to take it away. Carly tried again, but failed. As you can see by the "sticking her tongue out" picture. She's such a sore loser. LOL

The victor!

Daddy and Keira
Speaking of obsessions...

Keira is obsessed with the glow of this roley-poley toy and Carly, blue seal on her exersaucer. She watches the ball toy with such amazement, hits it a few times, and squeals. Carly challenges the seal every day. She gnaws on it for what seems like hours and leaves me a pool of drool. She usually wins, unless of course, she pulls on it too hard and then it whomps her when it flings back.
BTW, Am I the only one who can't see the actual floor of their living room? :)
Edited to add: My husband had to point out that I have mixed up the girls. I originally said it was Carly in the first picture. As you can read, it is Keira. It took me 8 months before I mixed them up, I say that's pretty darn good for identicals. Hehee.

How to occupy 2 eight month olds and a 2 year old

According to an email Stacey sent me....
the most common thing for people to do when they're in the car alone is pick their nose. Well, Colton never got the memo. And, of course, he doesn't drive. So, he picks his nose when he's on the computer, when he's playing with his cars, when he's watching TV, when he's bored, etc. Basically, all the time. I used to say I wish he'd pick his nose because my fingers can't get the boogers. Plus, I wanted a really cute 'finger in the nose' picture. Sweetie, I got the picture. You can stop picking your nose now.

Time-saving trick....we think
Now that the girls are sitting up well without assistance, we've decided to plunge into co-bathing to save some time before night-night. The girls do well playing with each other, but add Colton into the mix and you've got a recipe for water-logged parents. Their favorite bath toy is the blue bowl we got at the hospital when Colton was born. He always put it on his head. Since his head has grown, it no longer fits. So where to put it? Well, on sissy's head, of course! They don't mind, in fact, they fight over it.
Morning sleepy head

Keira slept in this morning. It's probably due to the fact that she was projectile vomiting at 11pm last night. We had 2 clothing/bedding changes. I stayed up with her, rocking her until I was positive that she wasn't going to puke again. I woke her up about 8:30am and she was a bit stunned by that. Usually, she wakes us up. Unfortunately, you can still see the "sick baby" look: watery eyes, runny nose, and a tinge of pink in her cheeks. I'm sure Carly is next on the sick baby list.
Recycling toys

One little monkey jumping on the bed
Thankfully, no one fell off and bumped his head. I know this is technically a terrible picture, but man look at the air he got! LOL He was quite confused when I was telling him to jump up and down because normally I would say "hey...get off the bed!" :) It was hard work and he wore himself out. And had fun doing it.

Just a play day
They are officially sitting up without assistance for long periods of time. They're great at catching themselves, reaching for things, even looking over their shoulder while sitting up. We've only had a few topples and most have resulted in no serious injuries. So here we are, playing around the house....taking a moment to eat, and the last one. Well, let's just say that one wasn't a friendly grab. Keira was doing her best to steal Carly's pacifier. She wasn't having any of it. :)
I can do it myself
And so it begins. The beginning of the end. The era of independence. The time where, little by little, your baby starts to do things by themselves. It may not be perfect and it's almost always messy, but they did it. This morning, Carly decided she could feed herself. No more of the spoonfed-by-Mommy nonsense. She grabbed the spoon and went to town. It makes a parent proud and sad. My babies are growing so fast.

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