We went to the zoo today and wow, what an adventure. It was so stinkin' hot! I thought for sure my shoes were going to melt into the pavement. Ugh!
At the petting area of the zoo. He could have cared less about the goats.
Colton was not really impressed with the large animals behind glass or in the "pens", although he was fascinated with the penguins.

And the fish. Oh my goodness, did he love the fish. He would have played in the aquarium for hours. He kept running up and down the viewing aisle saying "Shark! Shark!" Word World comes in handy, I guess. :)

He also found Dori from Finding Nemo. He was very excited about that discovery! We had a little meltdown when it was time to leave. Poor thing! I guess we'll have to make a special trip to the Newport Aquarium before summer is over.
They had a merry-go-round which the kids wanted to ride so we took a break. Colton has been on a merry-go-round before so of course, I thought nothing of it. I stood beside him when it started and he was nothing but smiles. For like a minute.
Then it was nothing but heartbreak. :(

I comforted him while we waited for everyone else to ride again. I think it was nap time.

Yes, the girls came along and they were bored!!! They fought for sippy cups, wubanubs, food, etc. It was so hot, even their little dresses didn't keep them cool. Through it all, they were troopers, though.

All in all, it was good day. Just exhausting.
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