I realize that it's not quite their birthday yet. However, I wanted some pictures of the smash cake printed up for their party. I never thought of getting pictures of it until after Colton was a year old. (BTW, thanks Elise!) I hope he doesn't feel left out in all the fun. Once the girls got a hang of "hey, we can eat this and it is GOOD", I did let him join in. He loves cake....especially chocolate cake. He got in there and showed them how to eat it. Dig in, girls!
And dig in, they did!!

So, go ahead. You know you're wondering. Take a guess. Who's whom? I have to admit that we switched them around so much trying to keep them on the backdrop (crawling babies + chocolate cake + pink icing + white carpet = heart attack) that I had no idea which baby I was looking at when I first started editing pictures. I had to sit and look for quite some time before I was certain that I knew. So, you tell me.....who's Keira and who's Carly?

Daddy got the girls to laugh. Of course, he wasn't standing anywhere near me so I didn't get the straight shot.

The next few pictures show how Carly (almost head to toe in cake and icing) just realizes there's a piece of cake ALL the way over there. And just has to go get it.
I do have to point out that I'm loving this picture of my little chubawubs. Look at those bellies!!! You'd think this wasn't the first time they've eaten cake. Hahahaa!
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