The first ten people to book a session during my Grand Opening will receive a free $25 print credit towards their purchase. Contact me by July 15th to book a session between now and August 1st and receive a free 11x14 with your order. That’s a $40 value….FREE! Sign a waiver for online and print use of your photos to receive a complimentary 8x10. Another $20 FREE! Am I getting your attention? J Please visit my website for all session details and information. Sessions must take place within the Dayton area. If you’re looking for something in particular that’s not on my website, shoot me an email.
While you’re there, sign up for my free newsletter to keep up to date on all my promotions. It’s under “details”. I know that the best form of advertising is word of mouth. Do great work and people will talk. Referrals are the best thing anyone can ask for. So, to thank all my previous clients, I’m asking that all referrals give your name when they book a session. Your name will be entered into a drawing for a free session. More details will follow in my newsletter. So, be sure to tell all your friends and family.
I’d like to thank all my friends and family who have supported me in this journey. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.
I look forward to capturing your moments.
Lynne Bingham
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