And pink and purple! But I'm most excited about the green. Scott took some vacation time last week. While we never did anything fun or exciting by my standards, Scott got alot accomplished by his standards. We went to Lowe's and promptly plopped down way too much money for soil, flowers, bulbs, etc. He needed a project, you know. He did the landscaping in the backyard, re-leveled the retaining wall in the front yard, cemented my clothesline, and tilled the back corner of our yard so that Colton and I could plant a garden.

We planted radishes, cucumbers, canteloupes, onions, and watermelons. Still need to get some tomatoes, but it's full. Probably go for the topsy-turvy kind. We kinda cheated because I bought the strips that have the seeds right in them. Like I have time to plant one by one. Phle! A friend of mine said his planters died because of the little frost we had not too long ago so I was kinda worried that I made Scott till up "his" yard for nothing.
I was pretty excited when Scott told me to take a peek this morning. Woohoo! We have green poppin' through!

I have to say that I'm not too pleased with the results of the flowers from Lowe's. A few days after putting them in the ground, most of them have wilted or died completely. What a waste of money, time, and effort.