This picture is for my husband, the die-hard UK fan. My husband grew up in Barbourville, Kentucky until he moved to Ohio when he was 15 years old. He dreamed of playing basketball and from what I hear, he was very good. He had high schools recruiting him. High schools! When he moved to Ohio and tried out for the basketball team, the coach required him to cut his long hair (bwhahahahaa) and lose the earring. Being the stubborn little snot that he is, he refused and wasn't picked for the team. And that's the sad end of his basketball career.
During basketball season, Scott watches every game downstairs on his projection screen. This is Daddy time. He has his headphones on, he stands up, paces the floor, and you can hear him cheering, booing, clapping, etc. all the way upstairs. He REALLY gets into it. When they lose, watch out. He's in a bad mood for the rest of the night. It's a fun time at the Bingham household.
We actually bought these outfits when I was pregnant with Colton. Little did we know that we'd actually need two outfits. :) I found them in the back of their closet and was bummed to see they were 6/9 months. I squeezed my little chubawubs into them and snapped some pictures. I'm sure it won't be the last UK shot. Daddy's already talking about getting them some cheerleader outfits and Colton wearing his jersey. How much fun will that picture be? I can hardly wait.
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